Sustainable Matter • Variable Matter

Sustainable Matter, 2021 | Composer & Sound Designer

Part of Variable Matter’s ‘Open | Matter’ - a series of inspirational public engagement events for creatives and the general public interested in design-led practice. Each event offers creatively driven responses to themes of SustainabilityIdentity and Co-creation via performative online seminars. The aim is to inspire, learn and invite further calls to action through playful and provocative enquiry.

In Variable Matter’s first session ‘Sustainable Matter’, Alice Boyd, Josie Dale-Jones and David Shearing present ‘Sustainable Matter’, an audio piece which questions our sense of hyper-locality and how we might better attune to our surroundings and environment.  We invite you to move about the parameters of your local, and reimagine your sense of place and surroundings. We ask how might creative thinking inspire alternative ways to tackle our climate crisis?